Wednesday, January 12, 2005

starbucks or zimbabwe

I'm listening to a CD right now and have been greatly challenged. The song was Jami Smith's Go And Find a World. Basically God, in the song, is saying go and take my name to those who have never heard and show my face to a people who are clueless about what it looks like. Whether it's across the street or around the world, there are people around all of us who need Christ and have never heard His name outside a profanity.

God, create in us a passion for the lost! People all around us are dead and in desperate need of life and we have it to give them. The guy behind the counter at Starbucks...the girl at the Wal-Mart register...the homeless guy asking for change to buy alcohol. It's easy to not see them because of fear for whatever reasons. God has not given us a spirit of fear, though. He has ordained us to take the gospel to all people in all nations and has given us the power in the Holy Spirit to do so. Let us not be ashamed of the gospel, "for it is the power of salvation".

Go and find a world

Where My name has never been said

And say it there

Let it ring like a song

Ring like a song

Go and Find a world
Where My face has never been shown

And show it there

Let it shine like the sun
Shine like the sun

I am with you always
I am with you always

For all this life

And even in death

I am with you always

Go and find a world

Where My Word has never been said

And say it there

Let truth fall like the rain

Fall like the rain

Go and find a world

Where My love has never been shown

And show it there

With a love that is pure

Love that is pure

Together, my friends, we can take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. Let me challenge each of us to not just do missions.. Missions isn't something you do once a year on a trip, but it is what we are about 24/7 as believers in Christ. As we live lives that are glorifying to God we will share Christ with those who cross our path. What do those opportunities look like? I have no idea. God is so stinkin' creative, He seems to devise a different experience each time. Rest assured, though, He is in control of all things and will direct our paths...we just have to listen. So...let's go find a world whether it's at Starbucks or Zimbabwe.

until Christ is formed in us...


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