Friday, March 04, 2005

the new "a disciple's refuge"

Many have probably wondered why posts have been sporadic as of late. Aside from family issues (the past week), I've been on a quest to redesign a disciple's refuge: thoughts on life, love and community. While I did like the old design, I wanted something a little more fresh and today, yet keeping with something artistic. Thus, we arrive where we are today.

In addition to new colors, graphics, etc., I've added two new sections on the side. They are current reads and now playing. The currents reads is simply a section of books I'm currently reading in part or in whole and the now playing section is simply what I am listening to this week. My goal is to change these on a regular basis. Also, clicking on the link will take you to a site where you can read portions of the books, listen to parts of the music, and buy them if you so desire and they are available.

I decided to do this now as I am going on my sixth month as a blogger. Half a year already...where has the time gone? I hope you enjoy this site as changes continue to happen and writing continues to be posted. I pray what is written will provoke you to think and will encourage you in your spiritual walk, pressing you towards Christ. There is no goal higher than for one to encourage others to deepen--or ignite, their relationship with our Lord and Savior. We were saved not only for heaven, but for an abundant life here on earth spent in relationship with God and the church. I pray that each of us will be more greatly involved in a Christian community of faith that walks aside us in this sojourn called life.

until Christ is formed in us...


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