Monday, June 13, 2005

the past week or so...

For the past week or so (hence the title of this post!), I've been working Vacation Bible School with my church. Needless to say it has been a tiring experience going from six in the morning till ten at night or so straight. Even with the tiredness, there has been an awesome energy and excitement within me as I've been hanging out with third and fourth grade boys and seeing God do amazing things. We did LifeWay's VBS this year which was incredible. The curriculum and stories were great and the music was second to none.

The highlight of the week was the opportunity I had to lead to of my guys to Christ. The first was after a gospel presentation on Wednesday night and the second was after music. What was great about the second one is that the guy I led to Christ the night before shared his faith with another "hiker" and told him to talk to me.

In addition to seeing God work in children's lives, we saw God work in adults' lives also. There were some adult rededications but more than that a renewed passion for ministry and for God. Folks, our God is awesome and does incredible things when we are faithful. Come to think of it, though, God does incredible things even when we are not faithful.

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